P. D. Sekhsaria Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd | E-Showroom
P. D. Sekhsaria Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd | E-Showroom
P.D. Sekhsaria Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. (PDST) was formed in 1987 as the export wing of the J.P. Sekhsaria Group. Today, we are one of the leading cotton merchants in India. The company is led by chairman Mr. J.P. Sekhsaria, who has over 45 years of experience in the cotton industry, and the international business is overseen by Mr. Alok Sekhsaria, Director. Alok is the 4th generation of Sekhsarias - carrying forward the family's legacy in the cotton business which spans over 6 decades.
Year Established
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Turn over
Main Markets